mpro5's suite of process management software features are built to meet your businesses needs. Designed for facilities management, food service and retail organizations, our features simplify complex operations and compliance processes to help you reach your business goals efficiently and cost-effectively. With our mobile app platform, we'll configure the perfect combination of features to streamline and improve specific workflows and processes, while enhancing visibility and providing real-time reporting and analytics.


A close-up shot of someone looking at a Power BI dashboard on a tablet



Automated alerts, reports and dynamic data visualizations provide unprecedented insights into business processes and performance, enabling data-driven decisions in real-time. Our dynamic dashboards track operational performance by filtering your data and featuring graphs and widgets that draw on multiple sources of data including IoT sensors, software and other integrated tools. With Microsoft Power BI dashboards, automated reports, intelligent alerts and notifications, we ensure you have full visibility to your business’ operations, helping you to make informed decisions, uncover trends and identify issues before they become problems. 




With mpro5, you can generate and distribute reports automatically, saving time and labor. Whether it’s internal or customer-facing reports, our process management app generates branded reports to the right people at the right time. Choose from a suite of out-of-the-box reporting options specific to your unique needs and processes.  





When jobs and workflows are scheduled or completed, mpro5 alerts the right people in real-time. Your team can choose to receive alerts via sms, email or push notifications - making it effortless to integrate our process management software with your business operations. With timely notifications to reduce the escalation of issues and support efficient response times, as well as automated reports attached to alerts, mpro5’s alerts provide further detail and complete visibility to ensure your processes run smoothly.



mpro5’s automated workflows and actions removes the need for manual processes that can cost time and resources. By integrating IoT systems and their data with your specific workflows, mpro5 can automate specific tasks and actions that are triggered by your data to ensure action is taken at the right time.

A woman in a data centre using mpro5 on a tablet



Whether you have an existing suite of IoT sensors or need to source a new set of your own, we’ll help implement mpro5 with your current setup seamless integration. As we build your program, we’ll configure mpro5 to trigger actions and workflows based on your integrated IoT data - allowing you to implement entirely reactive business operations and eliminate unnecessary manual intervention.

With mpro5, IoT data feeds into our process management app to inform or enable every process from proof of presence capabilities to photographs and signatures, remedial task generation and more - transforming your IoT sensor data into operational efficiency, improved compliance and business intelligence.

A maintenance worker using mpro5 on a tablet



Through our process management app, you can streamline workforce management for enhanced productivity and processes. With job management, compliance audits and scheduling features, we make your workforce processes easy to follow and complete. From simplified schedules, to proof works, annual leave management and automatic alerts and escalations - our workforce management software gives you all the information you need to monitor, verify and report on the work of your teams, as well as creating follow up actions where needed. 



Scheduling can be tedious and time consuming, whether it’s for maintenance or your workforce. Through mpro5’s process management app, you can streamline and automate schedules to maximize performance and productivity. Leveraging data from IoT sensors, which measure environmental outputs, mpro5’s software can automate necessary preventative maintenance to ensure your operations continue to run smoothly. For workforce scheduling, employee data for clocking in can be tracked in real-time, notifying management of any gaps and automating specific workflows in response to ensure your team is covered.


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24 Jul 2024

Unlocking Safety: 5 Ways mpro5 Enhances Security

Ensuring security is a top priority for any business owner, whether it's a physical store or an online business. To uphold security standards, many retailers rely on mpro5. mpro5 harnesses the power of cameras and sensors, enhanced with AI automation, detecting and preventing security breaches has never been easier. Curious what features mpro5 uses to enhance security? Here are 5 key features that help achieve enhanced security measures.

16 Jul 2024

The Benefits of Digitization in the Hospitality Industry | mpro5

Regardless of the benefits, going digital can seem like a daunting prospect. But while there’s no denying digitization requires investment, time and patience, I’ve witnessed how even the short-term benefits far outweigh the initial outlay.

15 Jul 2024

How to Eliminate Risk in Food Safety

This article originally appeared in Food Industry Executive.